If you have questions or wish to describe your symptoms and treatments, send us email by clicking below.
I do have diagnosed iron deficiency and have been told to take iron orally. I also have RLS. Problem is, the oral iron tablets cause severe diarrhea for 6 hours after I take them. What can I do?
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Can someone help?
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A Reply from CSC
Its 5 am an legs are still going crazy. I will try taking my Mirapex early tonight an see what happens.
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I had suffered a post partum Hemorrhage and had also had an epidural. Could one or both of these have been the cause?
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I have had RLS for as long as I can recall (for at least 50 years). I have noticed that after a bowel movement or urination at night or in a movie theater, plane etc the RLS feelings subside or go away completely. Why do you suppose this is?
I was pleased when I heard that RLS
was real to hear that someone else with RLS experiences RLS relief after
bowel or urination (see letter: Sunday, April 11, 1999 9:09 AM Subject:
leg pains / RLS and Bowel Movements)..
My wife sits on the bed , with me on lying on my front on the bed, and
pounds her heels into my buttocks and down my legs and this makes the RLS
subside. Why does pounding work?
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Recently I stopped taking Depakote, because I had forgotten why I had been put on it in the first place. However, I realize now since I stopped it, the RLS has gotten absolutely the worst ever. I'm up all night literally doing steps, walking, jumping, etc and not getting any sleep. I have rebound and augmentation with the Requip alone.
I have been taking Lexapro for the last year and I find it keeps my mood very even keel, so I like it. I read on your site that Depakote is a remedy for RLS, so maybe I shouldn't have stopped it. What do you think? Should I try it again along with Requip or try some other drug(s) altogether.
Prudence G.
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A Reply from Prudence
As you know, we sufferers will try anything. I took a Xanax tonight and I'm thinking of alternating between the Requip and Klonopin and Xanax if that works tonight. Also, I avoid sugar like the plague as just one taste of something sweet instantly triggers the symptoms.
Again thanks so much for answering so
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A Reply from Prudence
Since I restarted the Depakote, and cut way back on sugar in the last week, the symptoms are better. So I'm trying adding in iron, taking 500 mg of Depakote and 1 mg of Requip in the evening. One night I didn't even have symptoms. I plan to visit my PCP next week and discuss the sciatic nerve pain I have and its relationship to all this. The neurologist said lower back problems can create enhanced symptoms.
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A Reply from Dean
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On Day 2 of using the methadone/Neurontin combo, I didn't take the Klonopin. I'd been taking .5 to 1 mg for a few months along with the Mirapex. When I decided not to take it, it never occurred to me that benzodiazepines need to be tapered and the cold turkey is a bad idea. I was so focused on getting off of the Mirapex, I simply didn't think about that. I thought about it as the drug that helped the Mirapex and since I was off the Mirapex, it didn't make sense to take it anymore.
On Day 3, I started having lower back pain. On Day 6, I started having nausea. Day 7 and 8 have included vomiting, chills, a headache, and shakiness. I didn't figure it out until tonight. I was reading a post about Klonopin and I realized what I had unintentionally done. I am assuming that I should take a dose immediately, get calmed down over the next week or two, and then start a tapering process to get off of it, but would like some confirmation that this is a good choice.
Also, I read about a controversial method for tapering by using Valium. Have you heard of this? If so, what do you think of it?
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A Reply from Ann
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I have had one sleep study, was diagnosed with PLMD, and as a result I was put on Mirapex .5 mg at bedtime. This worked (some) for 2-3 hours nightly. The dose was then increased to two .5 mg tablets at bedtime which improved my sleep (some). However, I am back to sleeping fitfully for 2-3 hours nightly and am now scheduled for another sleep study plus a daytime sleep study.
If I can't sleep at night does the doctor really think I will sleep during the day? What is the purpose of these two additional studies?
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I have heard that Mirapex has been suspected of causing compulsive behavior in certain individuals. I am wondering could it be causing my behaviors? If so, would getting off of Mirapex and to some other drug work better? Mirapex has been a miracle drug for me giving me a quality of life that I didn't think possible. Now however my compulsive behaviors are ruining my life. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
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A Reply from LJ
The story regarding Mirapex was on the news back in Feb. 05 due to several patients in the US and Canada threatening lawsuits against the Mirapex manufacturer as they claim it caused them to become addicted to Gambling. I thank you for your thoughts.
I feel that a consult with a neurologist is in order to have my Mirapex dosage evaluated and what might be the best course of action for me. This has not really been done since I was put on Mirapex some seven years ago.
Thanks again for your time,
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I have had severe RLS for years. My doctor’s think this is iron related as my serum ferritin is always very low. I may need to have a hysterectomy for other reasons but I am assuming it will help reverse the iron issues. I was wondering if any studies have been done on RLS post hysterectomy (will keep my ovaries) and if RLS symptoms improve.
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I have noted an increase in the restless legs during the day, and my wife reports on some nights I have some leg movement during sleep. Can Adderall worsen RLS and PLMD?
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Since this time, I have tried Sinemet, Permax, Mirapex, Requip and Neurontin with no luck even after varying the doses. Vicodin worked briefly until the onset of the pain began starting earlier and earlier each night and has some pronounced withdrawal characteristics if I take it for more than two weeks. I know Ultram controls the pain all through the night because I was awake the entire time.
If Clonazepam works well for me and addiction/tolerance is a concern, what could I take during the drug holidays that would result in getting to sleep and staying asleep? How often should I be taking the drug holidays? Would switching between drugs like this be considered a long term solution?
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Medical A Reply From Scott
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Perhaps, you were right that the dose has to be increased even though I think it is too soon to tell. And if dizziness is a drawback, I will not have the doctor increase the drug. Another thing I am confused about is the difference between Requip and Mirapex.
Thanks again for your concern,
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Is it alright to increase the Requip by increasing the dose or take it during the day too? Is there anything new I could try to relieve the augmentation? The addition of opioids be a good choice?
Deeply grateful,
Bill H.
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Does Effexor 150 mg one day and 75 mg the next ever cause RLS to worsen? My doctor seems to think, even after a sleep study that diagnosed me with RLS, that this is not the case. Since starting this med a year ago, I did not sleep at night unless I have taken Ambien or Xanax. Never tired in the daytime either.
After complaining that my legs were bothering me at night as I could not hold them still, the doctor suggested the sleep study. I asked that she change the Effexor but because it has helped with depression so well, she will not do it. I was given Klonopin .25 in January and it helped very well until April. Now I am taking .75 of Requip. I feel so drugged in the morning, I do not like it although I am sleeping ok.
Prior to Effexor, I took Paxil for 5 years and noticed if I took 40 mgs my legs bothered me but not a smaller dose. Prior to Paxil, I was on Tofranil 75 mg at bedtime for 10 yrs. and slept well but was also tired most of the time.
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Two years ago, at 57 years old, it came back with a vengeance. I had two sleep studies and the doctor found I stop breathing 27 times per hour and have a "roaring" case (as he put it) of RLS. He gave me Mirapex and Ambien. The Ambien did help with putting me to sleep but the Mirapex made the leg movements, spasms etc worse. My legs would feel like lead in the morning. Several times I had to crawl to the bathroom at night.
Then, it seemed almost like overnight, I was diagnosed with degenerating hips, arthritis in my hips and spinal stenosis and arthritis. The pain became almost unbearable. The docs put me on Vicodin. After the arthritis "flare" started to settle down I pared the Vicodin back to only at bed so I could sleep. I had totally forgotten about the RLS. I had no symptoms.
I ran out of Vicodin two months ago after I moved from CA to VA. The docs in VA are terrified to give me Vicodin. So I have no meds for a month now. The pharmacist said to try Benadryl. I did. No use. I tried Tylenol PM...no use. I didn't even sleep. The RLS has been so bad I would hit my legs and end up crying on more than once occasion. Everything I took seemed to make it worse. Especially the Benadryl.
Now I read that SSRI's, Benadryl and caffeine make RLS worse! I had NO idea! Now I know why I haven't had RLS for a year- I have been taking Vicodin. Since I am not taking it now, been taking antihistamines and taking myself off Effexor, it has all gotten worse. I thought I was crazy and condemned to live with no/little sleep the rest of my life.
THANK YOU for having this site. I am not crazy! There is a
Cheri S.
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When the dopamine agonists do not work other medications such as the narcotics or Ultram should be used. It may be difficult to convince your current doctor but you should be able to get a referral to a doctor who knows how to treat RLS properly and will use the appropriate medications.Has there been shown to be any link between RLS and
Parkinson's disease. More specifically, can, or does RLS develop into
Parkinson's disease?
Emiy K.
Virginia Beach, VA
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Have you heard anything about a connection between RLS and monosodium
glutamate? I've been able to find anecdotal reports, but nothing official.
It seems harder and harder to avoid MSG, but definitely feel an improvement in
my RLS when I make the effort. The question is, is this real or a placebo
Cathy A.
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Do you think there could be a relationship between RLS and RA ?
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While I have had difficulty sleeping for years, my insomnia seems to have gotten significantly worse in the last week. It started with me waking about 3 am and usually not getting back to sleep. Now I am going to bed about 11:30pm and waking around 1am and not getting back to sleep. My wife is not sure if I am still twitching at night (she complained about it in the past but was surprised to hear it was as prevalent as discovered.) However, she is complaining about me waking her up as I get up multiple times at night.
Is it possible the Mirapex is causing or aggravating the insomnia? If I continue using it, is it possible I will adjust and won't experience the level of insomnia I have been having? I am exhausted and having serious difficulty concentrating in the morning.
Any suggestions?
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As soon as I became pregnant I started to get a severe case where it lasts all night and is very painful. I have to keep moving which is exhausting when your pregnant. I went to my local doctor in tears as I would fall asleep at around 5am, then get up to go to work at 7am.
My doctor said there was nothing at all I could do for it during pregnancy. So, I tried to cope with the pain and lack of sleep. I eventually broke down and ended up in hospital due to exhaustion, major sleep deprivation, depression (of course), hallucination and very dangerous driving. I was made to quit work and started to take temazepam every second night which helps.
What medication do you suggest safe taking whilst breastfeeding? Does the severe symptoms I am experiencing usually go away after giving birth? I haven't come across any doctor that is well educated with this disorder.
Tina H.,
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I am wondering what medications used for the treatment of ADHD might be preferable given the problem I have with RLS/PLMD? Based on your response and my experience with Adderall, it appears that stimulants may not be the best choice. I would appreciate any recommendations you may have. FYI, I also take 150 mg of Wellbutrin XL as well as 10 mg Prozac for depression and .50 mg Requip at bedtime for PLMD.
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I have been on Mirapex for a couple of years. Overall it does really well.
However, lately, I have pins and needles sensations all over and nausea.
Could this cause these symptoms?
Deborah M.,
Plano, Texas
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Now that I am on Requip, the heartburn side effect is not as severe (at least not yet) but in order to control RLS I am taking .5 mg about two to three hours before bedtime and I am not completely satisfied with the relief. There have been nights where the sensation never went away and other nights where I was awakened by RLS symptoms. Should I consider raising the dosage? And if so, why would such a small amount of Mirapex work and a larger dose of Requip not work?
Obviously, I am concerned about possible addiction. I am assuming at some point my body will adjust to the dosage and I will have to increase it. If I have to eventually go that route, what is the maximum amount of Oxycodone I can take each day before I should become concerned?
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I have lupus, Sjorgen's syndrome, Fibromyalgia and restless leg syndrome. My neurologist gave me Tegretol. It has helped dramatically. I later on found out about hops. It is very inexpensive and helped me tremendously It can be bought in any health food store. Just type in hops on your computer for more information
Howard B.
I hope that you will have the time and information to help me. I am 35 years old. I have been having trouble with insomnia and not feeling rested even when sleeping for the last 15 years. My mother was diagnosed with restless leg syndrome ("happy legs") during chemotherapy for lymphoma.
During my first pregnancy to result in a child (I have had multiple miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies, etc), my symptoms were simply unbearable. I would go literally weeks without sleep at all. Things did not improve at all following delivery. Finally, about 7 months ago, I was diagnosed by a pulmonologist who specializes in sleep disorders with PLMD. He started my on Neurontin 600mg at bedtime. It changed my life. I started sleeping 8 full restful hours a night. I've been awakening refreshed and relaxed. I just can't express how great this has been.
Within the last two weeks I noticed that I was waking in the middle of the night and feeling totally exhausted all the time. Surprise! I am pregnant again. Talking with the ob/gyn and my sleep doctor, I have had to discontinue the Neurontin. I am like a walking zombie. I haven't slept in days. I'm emotional, exhausted and frustrated. I am seriously considering terminating this pregnancy since I can't face the potential of two more years like this (nursing time included). I JUST got my life back and don't want to lay awake crying at night anymore!
Are there any medications that can be used with safety in pregnancy to provide some relief? I would really like to keep both my sanity and my child.
Looking forward to you reply,
Amy E.
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I started experiencing the creeping feelings, which I have tried to describe to others. Your website has helped put labels to the sensation. I had attributed it to menopause/ HRT. I am a 55 yr old female and this has been going on about 5 years.
Can estrogen therapy exacerbate symptoms? I have never had legs twitch or jerk and I am not awakened that I know of, though at times I am tired in AM. Mainly notice just an electrical type feeling when first lying down , though it does hit during day at odd times.
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My husband was diagnosed with type II diabetes last Nov. He had suffered with RLS mildly all his life, but it seems to be more advanced since he was diagnosed with diabetes. He also suffers with peripheral neuropathy.
Does the neuropathy aggravate the RLS syndrome more? He is insulin dependent with an injection every AM & PM. He also had a 5-way coronary bypass last November. Is Requip safe for him to consider taking with his health problems?
Pat A.
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1. Could this sporadic tremor be an atypical response to Mirapex? The tremor began after I started using this prescription and seemed to ebb when I cut my intake by half.
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The information and advice on RLS given on this web site is for educational purposes only. None of the advice, information or medical treatments should be followed without the supervision of your medical provider. The information presented on this site is not a substitute for your doctor, but should be used to help you discuss your RLS problem with your doctor. Do not undertake RLS medication treatment on your own! Please seek qualified professional medical care to help treat your RLS symptoms.
If you have questions or wish to describe your symptoms and treatments, send us email by clicking below.
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